IJUE AFRICA has special contacts with TANGANYIKA WILDERNESS CAMPS, owners of all KATIKATIES CAMPS; SERENA HOTELS; and SOPA LODGES. IJUE offers you rooms with the best view and locations, and convenient access to the reception and dining areas.
As a local operator, Jerremia and his team have gone to great lengths to preserve the nature reserves, protect the ecology, and empower those who need help. Those efforts have been rewarded with strong working relationships with the management teams in all of these lodges, hotels, luxury camp sites, and parks. In fact, IJUE is the only tour company that gets first priority in bookings because of their outstanding reputation. All IJUE AFRICA travelers will be insured of their bookings even in high traffic seasons when overbooking might otherwise occur, with special prices and great value.
Normally, travelers are advised to let IJUE AFRICA organize their bookings so that they will enjoy the special IJUE discounts and be assured that their bookings are guaranteed throughout the entire trip.